Volunteer at the Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol.

Volunteering is a great way to get involved! Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol volunteers work hard, have fun, and enjoy many social engagements and events. Museum volunteers are all ages and from many backgrounds offering a broad range of skills. We would love for you to join us in our effort to preserve, share and celebrate Huron County culture! 

Examples of volunteer opportunities are:

  • Greeting visitors at the reception desk
  • Greeting visitors at the Gaol Governor’s House
  • Assisting staff to catalogue artifacts
  • Assisting staff with artifact cleaning and preservation
  • Research
  • Transcribing from archival documents
  • Organizing and helping with special events
  • Acting: Behind the Bars Program
  • Assisting with educational programs and group tours
  • Assisting with exhibit development
  • Gardening

The Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol holds volunteer meetings several times per year – these meetings give us a chance to update everyone about what’s going on at the Museum & Gaol and to look at some upcoming opportunities. For more information or to find out when the next meeting is being held, please call the Museum at 519-524-2686 or email us at museum@huroncounty.ca.